The birds are chirping, and everything seems to be blooming. The sun is finally out from behind those snowy clouds, and I've unplugged the heating pad under my bed. With the warmer weather calling both people and pets outside, the paw traffic has definitely increased here at SHAH. I believe there is a direct correlation between the temperature outside and the amount of muddy or stinky dogs I get sniffed by each day.
I am fortunate enough to inhabit one clean building, allowing me to do my own grooming. I do not pity those who insist on rolling, playing, or swimming in the smelliest of substances that must be scrubbed and washed away. Not to mention the ones that terrorize skunks, serves 'em right.
"Dixie" |
It is rather enjoyable to watch the shamed come in bright early to be dropped off for their "spa day." The owner quickly hands over the leash to one of the staff while audibly scorning their companion for whatever mess they made or were apart of. They try the last ditch effort of coming up with some sort of puppy eye/please-don't-leave-me-here-I'll-never-do-it-again-I-promise-look that never, ever works. You'd think they would have caught on by now. But all is forgiven after those "horrible, unbearable hours" of wiping, trimming, washing, scrubbing, rinsing, drying, and brushing when their person comes back. "You look so pretty!" "There's my handsome boy!" "You smell so much better than this morning!" echo throughout our lobby each day. I'm sure the once-smelly are rewarded for their day of suffering with hugs and food. We live tough lives.

I, myself, take grooming seriously. Maintaining this physique with diet and exercise is not enough these days to catch someone's eye (and I don't have many to spare). I take pride in my glossy coat, sharpened claws, and clean whiskers. It takes a lot of dedication and elbow grease aka my own spit to keep me looking white as snow and fluffy as cotton.
Each day I get to see little miracle makeovers happen. Dogs coming in with flea allergies so bad they're practically bald and on fire leave parasite-free with soothed skin. Cats with flakes and enough scales to be part fish go home shining like the little diamonds we are. And those with a stench that could easily clear out a room are welcomed back into a close embrace with their owners. There are so many options and products available for the different types of skin and haircoats, just like with people.
"Odie" |
Keeping your furry friends clean and bug-free this season will definitely go a long way. Having parasites and possible infestations under control can prevent skin-related illnesses as well as hair loss. Dermatitis, hot spots, and other such afflictions can be somewhat avoided with proper grooming techniques.
"Rue" |
Skin and hair are not the only things that should be maintained in order to prevent illness and discomfort. By making sure your pets ears are cleaned and dried will help avoid bacterial infections and a build up of wax or debris. Routinely having your pet's nails trimmed not only keeps their quicks nice and short for your nice floor or your legs' protection, but prevents abscess or puncture wounds from a nail growing into a pad from happening.
So for those who just skip to the bottom for a witty comment or two, just remember - a clean pet, can be a healthy pet! Plus, I don't know about you all, but I would not want some stinky dog in my car or home, but that's just me.
"Chuck's Spin Cycle" |
And for those who felt inspired by this, or just smelled your dog, we are having a little contest with the reward being a complimentary bath. For more information:
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