Sunday, March 16, 2014


I'm sure most of you have been on pins and needles (is it time for my vaccines again?) waiting for Cornelius' second part to his "Grand Adventure," well I'm sorry to report that his little vacation was nothing more than him running outside into some bushes and then finding his way into the retirement home's laundry room across the way where he slept comfortably near a warm dryer until found the next morning. I don't know about you all, but that doesn't sound all the exciting to me. Who am I? Oh, so rude of me to jump right in without introducing myself, I'm the real One Eyed Wonder, Rue.

I've been a patient and frequent visitor of Southern Hills for the past year, especially for "Bring Your Pet to Work Day" which seems to happen every time I go outside and find something nice to roll in or eat.

While I do share Cornelius' view on most things, I mean it's hard not to when we have a set of eyes between the two of us, I thought I would take this opportunity (aka Corn leaving his blog open while going off to groom himself or nap) to provide you lovely folks with advice from the Canine Persuasion.

So far this March I've spent more days inside than out because of all this darn snow. I'm not much of a complainer though, it's been nice to take extra naps and to remove every squeaker out of not just my toys. Another nice thing about this colder weather is that I have been critter free since probably around that time when random people you only see every so often come to your house, and there's lots of food for me to look pitiful for. With this face, people can only hear "In the Arms of the Angel" in their head and drop me pieces of turkey here and there. But, seriously, I haven't had anything constantly gnawing at my tail or belly for quite some time. And it's all thanks to those "beef" (yeah right, that's not beef) tabs and that oily crud that my mother is rubbing in my hair all the time.

Last summer was an absolute nightmare for my humble abode. Not only was I itching and scratching so bad I couldn't sleep and was pulling out my own hair, but my pals and mother were in the same boat. Finally after numerous baths, stinky sprays in the house, and plenty of topical treatments did the itching stop. All the fleas were finally dead. Now I line up with the others the 12th of every month for my pill and oil for my back. I think I can handle three minutes of agitation compared to those three months of absolute torture. Plus I can't really pull off the bald look anyways.

So my point is even though it has been colder outside, it's never too early to prepare for those evil bugs that are just waiting to jump onto us and bite away. Giving us those monthly meds do go a long way, and you can even treat our outside areas too - we don't mind one bit.

And it's not just the fleas that stuff helps with, it's those little grey and brown vampires that latch on me in the summer, too. I can't even do my meandering through the woods and fields without some uninvited guests to come home with me. At least I know this stuff is worth it when I don't see them on me or crawling around for long. It's like they get zapped as soon as they climb on for a meal. Not too shabby.

Any-who, I think Cornelius is about to pounce on me, so please talk to your doctor people about what you can give us to keep away those pesky parasites this summer and all the other seasons. I mean what do I know, I'm just a dog!